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Dear Girlfriend,

Thanks so much for writing. I am up to my neck in building this brilliant website (personally lifting every brick and fusing every wire) and I'm not always able to write back to you individually. I do, however, read every letter and will be writing blogs and hosting discussions based on your concerns.

In the meantime, check the columns and book excerpts archived on this site to see if I've already touched on your topic—maybe this can hold you over until the Girlfriends and I can get back to you.

If you have not already joined Girlfriendsguide.com, please click here to sign up. Tell your G's to check us out and make sure you come back a lot because we get bigger and more bountiful and fun every day. We need you to achieve our communal goal of Girlfriend World Domination!

Love and laughs ~ Vicki
Note: And for you Girlfriends who want advice for writing books of your own, I promise to share my humble insights some time soon. In the meantime, please don't share specifics of your book ideas with me because I don't want to be accused of using them for myself (it wouldn't be intentional—it's just that "borrowing" is a character defect of mine since the world is my oyster.) I have a blanket policy of not endorsing or making comments on other writers' manuscripts—not because I'm a snob, but because I don't have time to read the newspaper, let alone the many books that are sent to me.